Creating a Bank File

Payroll can produce a bank file for upload. You will need to set the pay method as credit transfer on the employee details page and add the employee's bank details. Browse to Employee > Click on an employee's name to open their employee details page> select the pay tab > edit details and save changes. 

Once you process a new wage follow the steps outlined below:   

This wizard is used to produce a bank disk file containing payment details for those employees who are paid by electronic fund transfer (credit transfer). There are 3 steps to this wizard. To Start the wizard click on the Bank Disk button as highlighted below:

Creating a Bank File: Bank Disk Button

Step 1 – Confirm Payments
Step 1 shows a list of the employees who are paid by credit transfer, their net payments and bank details are also shown. You should verify that the payment details are correct and that all employees who are due to be paid are listed here. If an employee is not listed it is either because you have not entered their bank account details or their wage has not been saved with a Pay Method of Credit Transfer or their net payment is zero. Bank Details can be entered on the Pay tab of the employees detail screen.

Beside each employee is a Tick Box, indicating if the employee is to be included in this bank disk file. If there are employees that you do not wish to include in this bank disk simply un-tick their names.

Creating a Bank File: Step 1 of creating the Bank File

Click ‘Next’ to proceed to step 2

Step 2 – Confirm Your Bank Details
In step 2 you are asked to confirm your own company’s bank details.

Creating a Bank File: Step 2 of creating the Bank File

Bank Sort Code & Bank Account Number- This is your own company’s bank account details.

BIC & IBAN- This is your own company’s bank account BIK and IBAN details.

Reference- This is the text that will appear on both your and your employee’s bank statements.

SEPA OIN- This is a 13 digit 'Originator Identification Number' used to identify the source of the bank file. The SEPA OIN contains numbers and letters and is usually in the following format: IE12ABC345678
User ID/Owner ID- These six digit numbers will be provided by your bank, they are usually the same. You can use the last 6 digits of the SEPA OIN number as your User ID and Owner ID if you need to populate these fields in order to create the bank file.

Output File Name- This is the name (and location) of the bank file that is created with this wizard. You can create and save this file anywhere on your computer. E.g. c:\wages.xml will save the file (wages.xml) directly to your C:\ drive. If you enter C\bankfile\ wages.xml as the output file name, the file (wages.xml) will be saved to a folder on your C:\ drive called bank file. You must create the bank file folder on your C:\ drive before creating the bank file.

Click ‘Next’ to proceed to step 3

Step 3 – Create Bank Disk
The final step in this process actually creates the bank disk file.

Creating a Bank File: Step 3 of creating the Bank File

Volume ID- This is by default VOL001 and should be left as this unless you are instructed to change it by your bank.

Processing Date- This is the date the wages are processed by your bank. The Payments should reach your employees bank accounts within 2 working days of this date.

Payment Run No- This is the Bank file number for the bank file you are creating. Payment Run No 001 is for the 1st bank file created in period 1, 002 for the 2nd bank file created in period 2 etc.

Select the Type of file you wish to create from the four options available. The majority of bank files are in the SEPA File format.

To create the bank disk file simply click on the "Make Disk" button.
The process is now complete. It is now up to you to transmit the bank disk file to you bank in the manner agreed with them.
Creation date: 02/01/2015 23:46      Updated: 30/05/2024 16:25
Bank Disk Button.png
Bank Disk Step 1.png
Bank Disk Step 2.png
Bank Disk Step 3.png
Creating a Bank File- Bank Disk Button.png
Creating a Bank File- Step 1.png
Creating a Bank File- Step 2.png
Creating a Bank File- Step 3.png
The Wages record; a detailed view of each menu item